Wednesday 14 April 2010

New Schematics & The Truth...

As some of you will know, a whole bunch of new schematics have been created in Core Exiles. Seeing as such a major change was put into play, I stopped working on my new site and decided to concentrate on getting my schematic pages updated. Through blood, sweat and tears, it has been done.

The one downside is the categoriser that identifies the schematics and places them into a group was edited for my new web page and is incompatible with the old site. This means the majority of the new schematics are in a group called 'Unknown'. I will slowly make my way through them one at a time, but please be patient whilst this is done. The new web site will add a community theme, allowing you to suggest if a schematic belongs in another group (or even shared between groups). In the mean time might I suggest searching for a schematic in the top right section of the site?

I'm talking a lot about my new site - but unfortunately I don't have much to show you at the moment. If your interested, I'm building up a new framework first before adding the skin and colours. Because of this all you would see is an unusable dump of debugging information (unless you're a geek like me...). For that I apologise but please follow this blog if you want to be kept up to date. I'm also on Twitter (shieldsdown).

On another note, my current method of placing these news articles onto my site is about to change - currently I'm using Blogger and transferring the files across to here, but due to a system change this is not going to be possible(1st May). I should have a new system in place by then, but I would recommend following my Twitter account to be updated on this just in case its delayed.

Finally, I know I have been away and neglected this site far worse that it & any of you deserve. The fact that even in such a huge absence you are still here, reading this post, looking at my schematics pages and still giving positive feedback on it, makes me realise I really don't deserve you lot. Truthfully, I honestly thought I had left it so bad that none of you would be here, that it would be a throw away job when the domain name expired. You guys are amazing, and thank you all for still being here.

I forgot how much I enjoyed coding for my site, I forgot how fun it was to produce useful, meaningful tools that will help players develop and expand their knowledge and use of Core Exiles. I hope this continues for a long time, and that Shields Down will be with you all the way.

Thanks again all,


Shields Down

PS I have changed my mail's spam filter (I got very concerned that I have not had an email for a a year and a bit). Appears the old filter was feeding them into a blackhole never to be seen again. My new filter is producing emails that I need to answer which were previously spammed out, but good news is the contacts page is back online. Please feel free to contact me.

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